Ellen WeissA Saga of SymbecilesListen up, my literary fellows!
We must advance
our symbolical quest. I shall
shepherd you.
In the beginning
there is darkness – then light –
as you leave your abode.
Take the string of your choice,
of which you have no choice,
and proceed until, at the corner,
a heavenly sign appears to you
in the form of: Serpent, Ionic
Capital, Oracular Ring of Fire, and
Monocular Wand. Kneel, then,
resist the satanic temptations of the
pipe that is not a pipe. Kneel
and continue when traffic is clear.
Don’t forget to look BOTH ways.
In the garden, you will meet your
mother. She may not look
like your mother and might be much
nicer, but she IS your mother. You
are her apple. If you feel
compelled to kill your father,
you may do so–-preferably by means
of stand-up comedy or Felini film.
Caution! Do NOT look directly
at the sun—it WILL confuse you.
From the barrage of god to eye to
wheel to lemon sourball, you will
not have the proper capacity to see
anything by borrowed light. Remember,
the moon is a lunatic.
Soon the Omnibus arrives.
Sit at the right hand of God until you
come to your omen, at which point pay
homage to the metaphorical vehicle
and exit the birthing portal
to enter The Terminal.